A Complete China Stock Markets Vocab Guide (Chinese to English)

A Simple Vocab Guide to the Chinese Stock Markets - ExpatInvest

A collection of financial terms related to the Chinese markets. For each piece of vocab, we’ve added the [Simplified] Chinese, Pinyin, and a short definition.

Terms are listed alphabetically by default. 

If you’re looking for more than vocab, this companion piece breaks down China market terms in more detail –> The Chinese Stock Markets: Terms Acronyms Guide

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English NameChinese NamePinyinDefinitionResource
A-sharesA股A gǔMainland China stocks traded in RMB
Arbitrage套利Tào lìProfiting from price differences in different markets.
Ask卖价Mài jiàThe lowest price a seller is willing to accept for an asset.
Asset allocation资产配置Zīchǎn pèizhìThe strategy of dividing investments among different asset categories.
Asset classes资产类别Zīchǎn lèibiéCategories of investments with similar characteristics.
B-sharesB股B gǔMainland China stocks traded in foreign currencies
Bear market熊市Xióng shìA market characterized by falling prices and pessimism.
Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE)北京证券交易所Běijīng zhèngquàn jiāoyì suǒA stock exchange based in Beijing, China, focusing on innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.Our Intro to the BSE
Beta贝塔系数Bèitǎ xìshùA measure of a stock’s volatility in relation to the overall market.
Bid买价Mǎi jiàThe highest price a buyer is willing to pay for an asset.
Bid-ask spread买卖价差Mǎimài jià chāThe difference between the highest bid and lowest ask prices.
Blockchain区块链Qū kuài liànA decentralized, distributed ledger technology.
Blue-chip stocks蓝筹股Lán chóu gǔStocks of well-established, financially sound companies.
Bond债券Zhài quànA debt investment representing a loan made by an investor to a borrower.
Bull market牛市Niú shìA market characterized by rising prices and optimism.
Buyback股票回购Gǔpiào huígòuWhen a company repurchases its own shares from the marketplace.
Capital gains资本利得Zīběn lìdéThe profit from the sale of an asset at a higher price than purchased.
ChiNext创业板Chuàngyè bǎnShenzhen’s board for high-growth, high-tech startups
CNY在岸人民币Zài’àn rénmínbìOnshore Chinese yuan
Common stock普通股Pǔtōng gǔShares representing ownership in a corporation.
CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Commission)中国证券监督管理委员会Zhōngguó zhèngquàn jiāndū guǎnlǐ wěiyuánhuìThe main regulator of China’s securities industry
Current ratio流动比率Liúdòng bǐlǜA liquidity ratio measuring a company’s ability to pay short-term obligations.
Day trading日内交易Rì nèi jiāoyìBuying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day.
Debt-to-equity ratio负债权益比率Fùzhài quányì bǐlǜA measure of a company’s financial leverage.
Dim sum bonds点心债券Diǎnxīn zhàiquànRMB-denominated bonds issued outside mainland China
Diversification多元化DuōyuánhuàSpreading investments across various financial instruments to reduce risk.
Dividend股息GǔxīA distribution of a company’s earnings to shareholders.
Dividend yield股息收益率Gǔxī shōuyìlǜThe annual dividend per share divided by the stock’s price.
Dollar-cost averaging定投Dìng tóuInvesting a fixed amount regularly, regardless of market conditions.How Dollar-Cost Averaging Works
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)道琼斯工业平均指数Dào qióng sī gōngyè píngjūn zhǐshùA stock market index of 30 prominent companies listed on US stock exchanges.
Earnings per share (EPS)每股收益Měi gǔ shōuyìA company’s profit divided by its number of outstanding shares.
Economic bubble经济泡沫Jīngjì pàomòWhen asset prices rise far above their intrinsic value.
Exchange交易所Jiāoyì suǒA marketplace where securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded.
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)交易所交易基金Jiāoyì suǒ jiāoyì jījīnInvestment funds traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks.
Expense ratio费用率Fèiyòng lǜThe annual fee that all funds charge their shareholders.
Futures期货QīhuòContracts obligating the buyer to purchase an asset at a predetermined future date and price.
Going long做多Zuò duōBuying a security with the expectation that it will increase in value.
Going short做空Zuò kōngSelling a borrowed security with the expectation that it will decrease in value.
Growth and income funds成长与收益基金Chéngzhǎng yǔ shōuyì jījīnMutual funds that aim for both capital growth and current income.
Growth stocks成长股Chéngzhǎng gǔShares in companies expected to grow at an above-average rate.
H-sharesH股H gǔMainland China companies listed in Hong Kong
Hang Seng Index (HSI)恒生指数Héng shēng zhǐshùA free-float-adjusted market-capitalization-weighted stock market index in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX)香港交易所Xiānggǎng jiāoyì suǒThe stock exchange of Hong Kong, Asia’s third-largest stock exchange in terms of market capitalization.
Index funds指数基金Zhǐshù jījīnMutual funds designed to track the performance of a market index.
Inflation通货膨胀Tōnghuò péngzhàngThe rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.
Initial public offering (IPO)首次公开募股Shǒucì gōngkāi mù gǔThe first sale of stock by a private company to the public.
IPO lockup period首次公开募股锁定期Shǒucì gōngkāi mù gǔ suǒdìng qīRestrictions on selling newly public company shares
Limit order限价订单Xiàn jià dìngdānAn order to buy or sell a stock at a specific price or better.
Liquidity流动性LiúdòngxìngThe ease with which an asset can be converted into cash.
Margin保证金BǎozhèngjīnBorrowed money used to purchase securities.
Market index市场指数Shìchǎng zhǐshùA method to track the performance of a group of assets in a standardized way.
Market volatility市场波动性Shìchǎng bōdòngxìngThe degree of variation of a trading price series over time.
Moving average移动平均线Yídòng píngjūn xiànA widely used indicator in technical analysis that helps smooth out price action.
Mutual funds共同基金Gòngtóng jījīnInvestment vehicles made up of a pool of funds collected from many investors.What are Mutual Funds?
NASDAQ纳斯达克Nà sī dá kèAn American stock exchange, the second-largest in the world by market capitalization.
NEEQ (National Equities Exchange and Quotations)全国中小企业股份转让系统Quánguó zhōng xiǎo qǐyè gǔfèn zhuǎnràng xìtǒngAlso known as the “New Third Board”
Non-fungible token (NFT)非同质化代币Fēi tóng zhì huà dàibìA unique digital asset that represents ownership of a specific item or piece of content.
OTC stocks场外交易股票Chǎngwài jiāoyì gǔpiàoStocks that trade via a dealer network rather than on a centralized exchange.
Outstanding shares流通股份Liútōng gǔfènThe number of a company’s shares that are currently held by all its shareholders.
P-chipsP股P gǔPrivate Chinese companies incorporated outside mainland China and listed in Hong Kong
P/E ratio市盈率Shì yíng lǜThe ratio of a company’s share price to its earnings per share.
Panda bonds熊猫债券Xióngmāo zhàiquànRMB-denominated bonds from non-Chinese issuers sold in China
PBOC (People’s Bank of China)中国人民银行Zhōngguó rénmín yínhángChina’s central bank
Preferred stock优先股Yōuxiān gǔA class of ownership that has a higher claim on assets and earnings than common stock.
Price quote报价BàojiàThe most recent price at which an investment has traded.
Profit margin利润率Lìrùn lǜA measure of profitability calculated as net income divided by revenues.
QDII (Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor)合格境内机构投资者Hégé jìngnèi jīgòu tóuzī zhěA scheme allowing Chinese institutions to invest overseas
QFII (Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor)合格境外机构投资者Hégé jìngwài jīgòu tóuzī zhěA program allowing foreign investors to trade A-shares
Recession经济衰退Jīngjì shuāituìA period of temporary economic decline, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
Red chips红筹股Hóng chóu gǔState-owned Chinese companies incorporated outside mainland China and listed in Hong Kong
Renminbi (RMB)人民币RénmínbìThe official currency of China
Risk tolerance风险承受能力Fēngxiǎn chéngshòu nénglìThe degree of variability in investment returns that an investor is willing to withstand.
RQFII (RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor)人民币合格境外机构投资者Rénmínbì hégé jìngwài jīgòu tóuzī zhěSimilar to QFII, but using offshore RMB
Sector行业HángyèA group of stocks that are in the same industry or business.
Shanghai Shenzhen CSI 300 Index沪深300指数Hù shēn 300 zhǐshùA capitalization-weighted stock market index designed to replicate the performance of the top 300 stocks traded on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.Our Intro to the CSI 300
Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)上海证券交易所Shànghǎi zhèngquàn jiāoyì suǒThe largest stock exchange in mainland China by market capitalization.Our Guide to the SSE
Shares股份GǔfènUnits of ownership interest in a corporation or financial asset.
Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE)深圳证券交易所Shēnzhèn zhèngquàn jiāoyì suǒA stock exchange based in Shenzhen, China, one of two main stock exchanges in mainland China.Our Guide to the SZSE
SSE Composite Index上证综合指数Shàngzhèng zònghé zhǐshùA stock market index of all stocks (A shares and B shares) that are traded at the Shanghai Stock Exchange.
STAR Market科创板Kē chuàng bǎnShanghai’s tech and innovation boardOur Guide to the STAR Market
Stock股票GǔpiàoA type of security that represents ownership in a corporation.
Stock Connect沪港通、深港通Hù gǎng tōng, Shēn gǎng tōngA program linking mainland China and Hong Kong stock markets
Stock market holidays股市休市日Gǔshì xiū shì rìDays when stock exchanges are closed for trading.Opening Times & Holiday Schedule for the Chinese Markets
Stock option股票期权Gǔpiào qīquánA contract giving the buyer the right to buy or sell a stock at a specific price.
Stock portfolio股票投资组合Gǔpiào tóuzī zǔhéA collection of stocks owned by an individual or entity.
Stock split股票拆分Gǔpiào chāifēnAn increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation’s stock, reducing its price.
SZSE Composite Index深证综合指数Shēnzhèng zònghé zhǐshùA stock market index of all stocks that are traded at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Time horizon投资期限Tóuzī qīxiànThe length of time over which an investment is made or held before it is liquidated.
Trade交易JiāoyìThe buying, selling, or exchanging of assets.
Value stocks价值股Jiàzhí gǔStocks that appear to trade at a lower price relative to their fundamentals.
Volume成交量Chéngjiāo liàngThe number of shares or contracts traded in a security or market during a given period.
Volume-weighted average price (VWAP)成交量加权平均价格Chéngjiāo liàng jiā quán píngjūn jiàgéThe average price a security has traded at throughout the day, based on both volume and price.
Yield收益率ShōuyìlǜThe income return on an investment, typically expressed as a percentage.
52-week range52周范围52 zhōu fànwéiThe highest and lowest prices at which a stock has traded during the previous 52 weeks.

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