China Finance and Economy News – 2024 best sources

It’s easy to find headlines about China and the Chinese economy, but sometimes finding more information can be difficult.  Here we have rounded up some of the Chinese news sources which focus on the economy, business, and finance.

Yicai Global is the English language financial news arm of the Shanghai Media Group.  They tend to follow the movers and shakers of the banks, professional services companies, big brokers and mutual fund companies.  The articles tend to be short, dense, and contain one or two useful stats.  The news coverage is broad, and they tend to post new articles regularly.  This is one of the better free options for local English financial news.  

Caixin is a second-generation financial news platform based in Beijing.  Founded by the decorated Hu Shuli, Caixin has one of the best reputations of any Chinese financial news sites.  They tend to conduct original reporting, and cover a wide variety of topics with reasonable depth.  They also own several financial data platforms which provide them with their own sources of data. 

You’ve got to pay to play with Caixin, but they offer a lot of content and seem to be ramping up the frequency of English language posts, including a short podcast.  They’re paywalled on the Chinese side too, which is an uncommon approach for media in China.  


Useful for: really getting into the details and satisfying several of your knowledge-oriented New Years’ Resolutions at the same time.  

Yahoo Finance will have profiles of some of the larger Chinese companies and cover macro trends.  The site can be useful for keeping up with individual mutual funds or stocks.  They often have news coverage on the largest of companies, while even for many smaller companies on the China exchanges, they will still have stock information in a pleasant and reliable format.  Useful for: settling a bet over the market cap of the company that owns the factory you just drove by.  

The Economist has long had a special place for China in its pages.  Their coverage tends to take more of a European angle due to its British roots which have been maintained even after before being purchased by Exor, which owns, amongst other things, Ferrari. 

The Drum Tower is a more recent addition to their China coverage, and often takes a nuanced look at forces which shape China’s politics and economy.  While not solely economic in their content, their more in-depth discussions on modern China is refreshing. 


Useful for: getting an international perspective from people who are on the ground in China while keeping tongue firmly in cheek.  

EqualOcean is the English language website of a Chinese market research and analysis firm.  They primarily conduct research as a service for bigger companies and will occasionally release selections of their work to the public.  They are often trend-oriented, so when EVs were the topic du jour in 2022, EO put out reports in related areas.  More recently, they’ve been focusing on AI and China’s role in AI development. 

Useful for: hot topic or sector based macro views from a Chinese perspective.

Do you have a favorite source of Chinese news, economic or otherwise?  Add us on WeChat or send us an email at and share your tips!

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